• 2 reviews
Privacy Keeper
Security impact analysis

Privacy Keeper
Privacy Keeper
Privacy Keeper

Protect Your Privacy with the Chrome Extension

Your search history appearing in the autocomplete area of your browser address bar can be quite embarrassing, especially if someone has access to it. However, with the Chrome extension, you can now safeguard your privacy by easily locking and unlocking your address bar with a password of your choice. As a user of this extension, I have found it to be a reliable tool in maintaining my privacy while browsing the internet.

Enhanced Privacy Features

This Chrome extension provides several permissions to ensure your privacy is protected:

  • Access to "contextMenus": By granting this permission, the extension adds convenient service tabs to the drop-down menu, enhancing your user experience and making it easier to navigate.
  • Access to "cookies": The extension uses cookies solely for the purpose of remembering your preference settings. Rest assured, it doesn't collect any other information beyond that.
  • Access to "storage": Your preferences are saved locally on the client side, respecting your privacy while ensuring a seamless browsing experience.

By default, this extension changes your default search to the domain privacykeepersearch.com, which is powered by Yahoo. This allows the extension to access the autocomplete feature efficiently. However, you can easily customize your default search engine in the extension's settings. This flexibility ensures that you have full control over your browsing experience.

I have found that by using this Chrome extension, my browsing history remains private, and I no longer have to worry about any potential embarrassments. It's a simple yet effective tool that adds an extra layer of security to my online activities.

Protect Your Privacy Today

If you value your privacy and want to enhance your browsing experience, I highly recommend trying out this Chrome extension. With its easy-to-use features and customizable options, you can have peace of mind knowing that your search history is protected. Install the extension today and take control of your online privacy.

Privacy Policy and Terms

For more information on the privacy policy and terms of use for this extension, please visit:

Protects your privacy of searched keywords

Quick tool to lock and unlock your address bar

Customize the extension's drop-down menu

Requests access to 'cookies'

Changes default search to a specific domain

2 reviews
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